Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Sensory Fun!

Darsie is receiving therapy four times a week now and we try to fill in with a bit each day. So, yesterday D and I had a bit of sensory fun and of course some good fun with markers.

Her sensory fun consisted of sitting in a big tub full of beans and rice mixed together. Her therapist from the Washington State Elks left them with us and D just thinks that those beans and rice are a blast! She loves to kick her little feet around in them and to scoop them up with her hands and old bottles. We put a towel under the container because D also delites in putting handfulls outside on the bin. Yesterday the fun ended because D was throwing it far outside with great force. Nothing a vacuum cleaner can't take care of though.

After we cleaned up from the sensory adventure, we got our her "table" (a cardboard box) and her stool. Not only is this fun but it is also therapeutic. When she sits at her table with her feet flat on the floor, she is getting sensory therapy. She also works on putting both hands on the table to aid in weight bearing.

I've really found that she fights anything that is not fun...but luckily, it is pretty easy to make her therapy fun.

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