Friday, April 27, 2007

In the hospital.

BP got bad yesterday afternoon and a call into my doc landed me in the hospital. I'm on oral meds that are working somewhat and have gotten shot one of two to help mature Elise's lungs. Doctor is hoping to get us to 35/36 weeks and I'm currently at 33 and 4 days.

I'll update when I can! Jeff brought a laptop but not battery charger, so my time is limited.


Jamie and Jill said...

I'll keep you in my prayers. Hang in there!

Mete said...

I'm thinking about you this weekend...

Kim said...

I will most definitely keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I hope your BP stabilizes and Elise can stay put a while longer. Stay off your feet, would you?!?!

Swistle said...

I've been off my computer all weekend and so I'm only reading this now (Monday). I am thinking about you A LOT and hoping you're doing well.