Monday, March 03, 2008

Blog Ennui

Ok, so the definition of ennui doesn't fit my feelings, but I love how it so often misused that I had to do my own version.

I am at a loss as to the direction of this blog. It started as blog about cerebral palsy and Darsie but obviously, that has changed. It changed mainly because Darsie's CP isn't very severe and
I don't want it to define who she is or who we are as a family. I also don't want to get into the whole "woe is me" attitude.

So, it has developed into a mish mash of crap. My interests are my family, cooking, and crafting. I'd like to focus on each but how?

Organization has never been my strong point. I'll get to it eventually. I'd like to do a custom design for this blog, but that too has been put aside for a really long time.

I have another sewing book to review, which I will do in the next few days. It is perfect for those people who want to start sewing or really who are getting back into sewing or who just want a bunch of really quick projects.


Sarah said...

I love that word, ennui, and am CONSTANTLY tempted to missuse it. Like, just two days ago I had it in my post and then replaced it with another word.

Pickles and Dimes said...

I totally hear you on how to organize the content of your blog. Mine's a mish mash, too. I just write about whatever I want, even if it seems like I'm complaining all the time!

I love reading about crafty ideas. Maybe you could start by designating a certain day of the week to a certain topic and see if it helps you find a direction. Otherwise, it's your blog and write about whatever you want!

Swistle said...

Mish-mash = my favorite kind of blog. I don't think it's necessary to focus in a Big Picture way: write about whatever's on your mind at the moment, or whatever you're doing at the moment. I find "cooking blogs" or "sewing blogs" boring, but a blog about a person who sews and cooks? AWESOME.

Nowheymama said...

I feel the same way about my blog sometimes, but then I remember it's my blog about my life so... ha?