Black hole of two children...and photos to make your ovaries twinge
As big as a magazine (I know, I need to find better objects to compare her to).Who doesn't love pissy baby photos?
Baby: I want to eat. Darsie: I want to hold baby.
Pacified for a moment...and getting cuter every day
Can you believe they let us come home like this?
I hadn't realized that I hadn't posted that we were HOME! So sorry dedicated readers to make you worry. Between pumping every two hours, feeding the littlest monster every 2-4 hours, and feeding the biggest monster constantly, I'm exhausted.
We were able to bring Elise home last week and it has been GREAT! She came home weighing approximately 3 lbs. 13 oz. and on Friday at her doctors appointment, she weighed 4 lbs. 3 oz.! Holy weight gain! She likes the milk! She is still taking fortified EBM and nursing occasionally. However, she isn't the best nurser, so I'm thinking that her prematurity is the vice there. I'm going to give a nipple shield a shot. She is also an old pro at peeing through her preemie diapers. At night, I double up on them so I won't have to do any midnight clothes changes.
Darsie is doing as well as expected. She has some sibling rivalry/jealousy, but is learning how to deal with it and we are learning how to deal with the tantrums.
More photos soon and updates, promise!